May 3, 2016 | News
The Diary of Valladolid, inside the section INNOVADORES DE EL MUNDO, has published the 9 of february a huge report of the LIFE BATTLECO2 project, in which describes the objectives of the project and the actions that are going to be carried out, making emphasis on the...
May 3, 2016 | News
The members of the BATTLE CO2 consortium presents the objectives that they fixed in the framework of the incorporation of biomass in the asphaltic mixed manufactur process. LIFE BATTLE CO2 is a project financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, that will...
May 3, 2016 | News
The Executive Agency for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (EASME) of the European Commision celebrated the last 29 of October of 2015 in Brussels the oficial kick off meeting of all the projects approved in the LIFE 2014 call for proposals, in the subprogramme of...
May 3, 2016 | News
Last 2 of October of 2015 took place at the CARTIF installations at the Boecillo Technology Park (Valladolid), the kick off meeting of the LIFE BATTLE CO2 project. The project (Biomass incorporation in asphalt manufacturing towards less emissions of CO2) its in the...
Dec 2, 2015 | News
The past 10 of november of 2015, CARTIF Foundation participates in the conference “International initiatives related with the agro and climate change sector” promoted by the Spanish Office of Climate Change.