Agreement that approves the Ecological Public Procurement Plan of the General State Administration, its autonomous agencies and the entities managing Social Security (2018-2025).

The Council of Ministers has approved an Agreement approving the Ecological Public Procurement Plan of the General State Administration, its autonomous agencies and the Social Security management entities (2018-2025).

Green public procurement is an important tool for the achievement of environmental policies related to climate change, the use of resources and sustainable production and consumption.

In this sense, the Ecological Public Procurement Plan responds to the need to incorporate ecological criteria in public procurement, which will allow Public Administrations, in the development of their activity, to promote and contribute to the objectives of economic and environmental sustainability.

The Plan is a frame of reference for the hiring of Public Administrations, incorporates ecological criteria of the European Union and can also serve as a model in other types of private contracts.

The Plan, which is applicable to the General State Administration, its Autonomous Bodies and the Social Security Managing Entities, defines what is understood by ecological public procurement and establishes a series of objectives such as the promotion of procurement by the public administration of goods, works and services with the least environmental impact, a more rational and economic use of public funds, or the promotion of environmental clauses in public procurement.

On the other hand, it determines a group of 20 goods, works and priority services, in accordance with the criteria of ecological contracting of the European Union, among which stand out the construction and management of buildings, the construction and maintenance of roads, supply of electricity, printing equipment and computers, cleaning products and services, air conditioning systems and transport.

It also includes a series of general environmental criteria for hiring, of a voluntary nature, which may be incorporated into the contract documents as selection criteria, award criteria, technical specifications and special execution conditions.

The validity of the Plan is 7 years, without prejudice to the fact that it can be revised and updated.